Many fail to achieve their optimal level of health and well-being simply because no one identifies why they are having health problems. Cerebral Focus, the clinical operations of Charles Freed, MD, was created to address this systemic failure.
Dr. Freed chose to name his clinic "Cerebral Focus" (from the Latin 'cerebrum', meaning 'brain'), as the brain plays a key role in the dynamic orchestration of major systems in the body, as well as being the source of thoughts, feelings and behavior.
Dr. Freed's intention in life is to focus on brain health to avoid or mitigate brain pathology. And when pathology does present itself, he strives to find the root cause(s) of the disease state to resolve them, not merely suppress them.
While stress in small amounts is actually beneficial as it helps keep us focused and motivated, larger quantities start to take a toll on our mind and body.
You likely have some awareness as to how stress impacts your day-to-day living, but it can be much more insidious than you might realize.
High levels of stress not only take a toll on our psychological health, but over time can even result in chronic medical conditions like cardiovascular disease and autoimmune disorders.